Google Cache Checker

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About Google Cache Checker

Google Cache Checker

To have fresh web content is considered as one of the most effective ways in order to get high rankings on Google. And in order for us to know if Google had really crawl a site or if it really knows the existence of the site using a tool referred as Google Cache Checker could be considered. Along with the use of this Google Cache Checker would be myriads of benefits as well.

But first, what is Google Cache? It is referred to be the snapshot of a certain web page being stored by Google as back-up. Every time Google spiders crawl into a site a snapshot of every web page would be stored as back-up. Once a user is to make a search on Google, the cached version of the certain site would be used once it matches along with the searched keywords. Every search result listing would include a link into the cached version of the site and once the link is being clicked the user would be taken into the cached page rather than being into the live site. This could be so advantageous once a site is temporarily down because of some technical failure. Google Cache Checker would make sure of a copy of every webpage once the live site is considered to be offline. And also, once the site has long time loading, some are into using the cache version in order to access the site.

So what are the advantages of using the said Google Cache Checker? One effective way in order to know how often the site is being cached by Google would be through tracing the previously cached dates of the site. Once there is no cached version of a certain site it would be a clue that the site is not being screened by the crawlers of Google. And with that, there is a need to immediately take an action. In some cases, Google is not into crawling a site since the site is considered to be penalized. Once fresh content is being updated into a specific site this Google Cache Checker tool will be useful in identifying whether the new changes have been crawled through the search engine. And from that, the owner of the site could now monitor how the new site content affects the page ranking.

In addition, Google Text Only Cache version is mostly overlooked by many. However, on a SEO point of view, this one is considered to be the most important cache version. Google would crawl only the text into the site and so the text version would help in looking for the site just the same with how Google sees it. You are as well allowed with the following:

  • See whether the page elements are into their correct order
  • The kinds of texts that are used in interpreting the images
  • How the header tags are used effectively
  • Know whether all links are visible

There is a need to consider monitoring the text only cache version carefully of a certain site in order to be of great help in optimising the site. The process of using Google Cache Checker would be so easy wherein you are just to type the web address of the relevant site into the text box of this tool and a new browser will open up along with the cached copy of the relevant web page.