Word Counter

Enter your text/paragraph here:


Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

So you say that you are a person whose life revolves around writing and/or editing? If you just said yes to that, there is a need for you to know about specific online tools that can help your task become easier. Well, one of the tools that you should start using is a word counter. Yes, you heard that absolutely right. What is this tool and how can this help you? If you want to know the answers and discover more about it, you better read this entire page.

What is a word counter?

Obviously, a word counter is a digital tool used to count the number of words used in a particular document. Bear in mind however, that this software does not simply provide the total number of words that document contains. It also allows the users to identify which words have been used were frequently used in a document. Because of this feature, the writer or editor is able to improve the overall quality of a group of texts as well as enhance his vocabulary.

How to use the word counter app

You do not have to be a savvy web content professional to be able to use this application. It is just a matter of copy/paste and a few clicks. You simply have to paste a set of texts in the word counter box and then click ‘go’. As easy as that, you already have the complete and accurate number of words in your document including the number of times certain words have been repetitively used.

Why do you need to use word counter Microsoft word?

Avoid redundancy

Nothing can be more annoying than listening to a person say the same set of words over and over again. The same thought applies to reading a body of text. A document that contains the same exact words after every single sentence delivers a message that the person who wrote the article has poor diction.

Meet a set of requirements

The number of words in an article is sometimes part of the standards set by search engines and web hosting sites. If a page contains a number of words that is either less or more than the required, the maximum quality of the article is not achieved.

Another crucial factor for online articles is keyword and its density. For an online content writer to have an intelligent setting of keyword density, word counter in pages is a very useful tool. With this software, one would know if the article has appropriate keyword density. As a result, a writer has the opportunity to develop a text that complies with the existing rules set by search engines. In like manner, an editor will not have a hard time manually counting all keywords in a pool of words.

These are the things you should learn about the word counter software. There are still a lot of benefits that this simple yet highly useful application has in store for you. Download a word counter open office tool now!