URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

URL Encoder / Decoder

When we talk about URL Encoder / Decoder, it is already implied that it is more on encoding or decoding a particular string with the use of URL encoding. This so called “URL Encoding” is utilized whenever a text is placed on a query string in order to prevent confusion with the URL. The text to url encoding is processed accordingly. The url encoder decoder serves as a tool for carrying out the entire process. It is also responsible for the sent form data from a browser to the web server.

The url encoder tool takes charge on replacing the unsafe characters with the % sign next to te hex equivalent. If you remove url encoding, there will always be an impact to the overall transaction. It is important to note that there are some characters which are not required to be escaped. Specifically, they are defined in the name of RFC3986 which comes from being RFC2396. If you will observe, the url encode characters are composed of seven alphanumerics of 7 bits and characters like -._~. These special characters in url are used for special purposes as well. On the other hand, the Unicode characters come with ASCII characters which are composed of 8 bits. They are intended to decode url encoding initially with the use of UTF-8.

If you desire to remove url encoding javascript, there is a need to have a decoder online for the sake of completing the process. Progress will never be evident without adapting to the advancement of technology. The html decoder online is an example of innovation which is part of the entire process. Without it, there will be major difficulties in carrying out encoding and decoding.


It is quite amazing that there are numerous functions for encoding a string with URL. Specifically, ASP, JavaScript, and PHP are some of the major platforms. JavaScript usually utilize the function of encode URI. On the other hand, PHP is intended to use raw url encode. Lastly, ASP uses the server URL Encode function. After being familiar with those information, it’s time to click the button for “URL encode” in order to view what the Java Script does while encoding a particular text.

Character codes

These are the characters which are seen in URLs. Examples are url %3f, html %3a, and more. Along with a number of text, there are also pound signs, question marks, and ampersands. Surprisingly, it is possible to do encoding of characters through their hexadecimal representations. For an instance, a question mark could be written as %3F.

You may ask yourself, “what is %2f in url?”. Well, the answer is quite simple. 52f is only the enoded URL value of “forward slash or /”. There is no further explanation about it. It is very essential that you are aware of the different codes in order to stay guided by the process.  

Now that URL Encoder / Decoder is here, there’s no wonder that encoding processes would be more convenient. Everything will run smoothly for the users.